Tuesday, January 24, 2017

#2 Word & Copyright

I've used Microsoft word for taking notes, writing papers, creating new letters and probably some other things that I just can't remember. I've seen my teachers use MS Word to keep track of the links they share with us. They also use word to format our syllabus. I've seen my teachers use word to keep their lectures in order by using an outline.

My experience with copyright is that if you didn't write it, cite it. I would deal with copyright issues by making sure my students know how to cite properly when using other peoples work. If I were to use another teachers instructional idea I would let the class know that this idea is borrowed from another teacher.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

#1 Technology and Its Standards

A teacher uses technology in the classroom to make presenting material to their class easier. For example a teacher can use a power point presentation to show their class a new concept. For students using technology makes their lives easier. For example taking a test on a computer is much more simple than having to fill in the bubbles on a scantron sheet. For both teachers and students life in the classroom becomes much easier.

The ISTE standards, to me, seem to shape a student to prepare them for college and the outside world. The creativity and innovation standard stands out to me most because the arts are on the decline it seems. I believe that students should be able to find what they love to do early and those with a creative mind should have the freedom to do so. One of the standards that is outside of my skill set is communication and collaboration. I have a hard time working with others. Personally I prefer to work alone because I have always been a quite person and student. 

The label "digital native" to me should not be used. Labels in general shouldn't be given to people. Digital natives, people brought up in the digital age, have a better understanding of technology and the uses of it. There is for sure a difference in digital natives and digital immigrant (another label I dislike). In the classroom if the teacher (digital immigrant) hasn't been trained properly the students (digital natives) can help the professor use the technology they are having trouble with. I hope that my students and I in the future are on a level playing field when it comes to technology however, I hope they don't get used to using technology in the class room. If technology is to ever fail I believe that students need to learn how things were done the old fashion way, because we never know what the future holds. So knowing how to do things without a computer can better a student and help them appreciate the technology they have today. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

#0 How I learn, What I hope to learn and Me

My prior experience with technology is fairly vast. I have built my own computer from the ground up. Building my own PC was an enjoyable task for the most part, there is a ton of things to remember, but an experience that I would enjoy to do again. I have had to teach most of my family how to use their computer, set up Wi-Fi, and use their smart phones.

What I hope to learn from this course is anything possible. My goal for any class is to make sure I take away something valuable, whether that be a new keyboard shortcut that I did not know about or just a new feature to apply to the applications I know how to use. I also hope to learn how social media can be used in a classroom setting.

I learn that I am a reflective learner I tend to review what I learn frequently. I am a sensing learner and like solid facts. I am fairly balanced in verbal and visual learning, but tend to remember what I see and not what I hear. I am also well balanced in sequential and global learning. This means that I follow steps well and I also see the big picture rather well.