What I hope to learn from this course is anything possible. My goal for any class is to make sure I take away something valuable, whether that be a new keyboard shortcut that I did not know about or just a new feature to apply to the applications I know how to use. I also hope to learn how social media can be used in a classroom setting.
I learn that I am a reflective learner I tend to review what I learn frequently. I am a sensing learner and like solid facts. I am fairly balanced in verbal and visual learning, but tend to remember what I see and not what I hear. I am also well balanced in sequential and global learning. This means that I follow steps well and I also see the big picture rather well.
We will be using social media in many ways this class. Although you are an adult learner, the activities can easily be transferred to other settings. You mentioned teaching inmates (is that politically correct?). I'd love to hear how social media could be used. I wonder if the prison system firewalls social media.