Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Diigo 3

Teacher productivity tools are a great way for a teacher to stay organized. Having applications that can manage a grade book, attendance, and even have a way to keep parents involved in a students life.

Monday, February 27, 2017

#6 The Sandbox and Learning Project!

My project is a basic Prezi that details how to find the slope of a line.

The school website I'm linking is my former High Schools webpage. The grade levels are from 9-12th grade. The things you can see publicly on the school website are the schools calendar, contact info for the school and staff, sports information, parent resources, the community and other outside links.

In my classroom I could see myself using computer productivity tools to keep track of attendance and my grade book. I could see myself using Diigo for my classroom, but knowing me I would just bookmark the page and use my memory to the best of it's ability. A calendar tool will most definitely be used because dates tend to blur and time does go by quickly. Email is of course the main form of communication tool I would use.

The smart boards could be used in the classroom rather well. In a math setting you can have the smart pen show use different colors to better highlight and emphasize what it is that you are doing. In an English class setting you can put up a document and highlight or underline on the smart board the key components of an article or passage.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Diigo #2

I learned that blog post can actually be useful in a classroom setting. I never thought about the introvert students, much like myself, using blog post to communicate their feedback to one another.

#5 Web 2.0

I believe that YouTube, wikis, and social networking tools are useful for teacher professional development. There is a plethora of content on YouTube and it can be useful in a classroom setting. Wikis are useful to help students build a general concept of a topic and can lead them to better sites to learn about the topic. Social media is also helpful, because you can create a learning network through social media sites like twitter.

The one Web 2.0 tool I believe is not useful in the classroom is blogs. I just dislike blogs and I don't think they're useful in a classroom setting.

I think as a teacher I would use http://www.lessonpaths.com/. This tool allows you to see different lesson plans for subject matter and you can use these plans and adapt them to how you would want the information to be presented.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Diigo 1 Academic Software

I learned how to make well made tags for bookmarking in a network. I learned a lot on how to expand my teaching network through different websites. The Diigo Activity taught me a ton of things. I never knew that there was a website to organize all bookmarks.

Monday, February 13, 2017

#4 The Great Digital Divide

My experience with twitter so far is pretty nice. I enjoy twitter since I can easily see what is going on with the things I like. I don't really interact with many people on twitter. 

I'm not entirely comfortable with posting stuff on the internet for everyone that wants to see it. As for using twitter when I am a future parent, I can't really say. There could always be a new app to come through and push twitter to the way side, but twitter is useful for students to expand their ways of finding information. 

The digital divide makes it hard for some students to type papers, or access online materials because there isn't a computer at home. Some of the causes of the digital divide are socioeconomic status and the budget of the school a student attends. 

As a teacher there will be many children from different walks of life and not all of them will have access to the internet or a computer at home. One of the challenges to help these students is to make sure they can work on their projects at school so they can familiarize themselves with technology so they are not at such a disadvantage when they go to collage or into the workforce. 

I think the student software that would be used the most in a classroom would be the Microsoft Office applications. They seem to be the go software programs that student can learn on. 

Take 11th grade for instance. Some of them will be doing presentations and need a slide show for visual aid. They would be writing papers so Word would be what they need for formatting and meeting the requirements of the paper in English classes. Excel is also a program that 11th grade student could use in Math to teach them formulas to calculate data on a table. 

The content of assignment 3 was actually relevant as a student. I can think of many times where using a management program or google docs would help our group paper move much smoother. 

I'm not sure where these programs will help me in my future career. The best answer I could give is using skype to communicate with different field offices when there's a major case in more than one state. 

The ah-ha moment I had was at the end when the video played showing every application explained through out the course in action in some way or another. 

The flow of the course was smooth as it could be. The one technical difficulty I had was not knowing that pressing enter on the written portion submitted the response I had typed. The only recommendation I would make is mixing the volume so it plays at one volume throughout or just having a volume bar for the course because some parts were louder than other. For the most part this e-course was very simple and intuitive. It's very easy to follow and understand all the information given. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

#3 Websites, Standards, and Newsletters! Oh My!

Most of the ELA standards I'd say are easy to teach fall under the science and math ones. The harder ones would be the ones to do with literature, context clues, and all those sort of things. 

The only software I would teach my students to use would be Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. Most of the students I would teach would be either high school students or people in correctional facilities that don't have access to many software programs. 

http://www.talgov.com/Main/Home.aspx The site linked before this will be used to expand upon the podcast. You could contact the author on this site I'm sure. The page is biased towards the city of Tallahassee. The site is current. The design could be better, I feel it is a bit of an eyesore. The site can be hard to navigate sometimes. 

The only new skill I learned from the newsletter assignment was making columns in a document. I had no clue that feature existed until I started this assignment. I always wondered how people made columns in their papers, and now I know.

What I disliked most about my newsletter is that it seems so bland since I lack creativity. I'm never sure if what I'm doing is enough since I'm not a very creative person.

What I do like about my newsletter is that it is for sure a representation of how simple I am. I've never been the type of person to add a ton of color and flare to things. I always keep things simple. 

Improvements for next time will probably be putting more time into the though process of how I want it to look. Not just winging it and getting frustrated when things do not come out the way I envision them. 

For my career I can be the FBI's newsletter maker. It can be the 'look what bad guy we caught today' newsletter.